Contact us
Feel free to contact us for any question or detail.
We speak English, French and Spanish and can be reached by whatsapp, email or instagram.
The adress seems to display incorrectly on google image sometimes. We are working on fixing the issue, but If you don’t see it where it should be in Cabarete, you can always type Reef Kite Academy on google maps directly
The adress displayed is our workspace for the IKO courses. We may not be present there all year long, so make sure to contact us by email, whatsapp or instagram (infos below) if you want to meet outside of an IKO course.
Embocca, Cabarete 57000
Our partner LEK PRO CENTER
Laurel Eastman Kiteboarding School
Millennium, Cabarete 57000
Maxime: (+1) 809 999 7915
Charly: (+1) 809 962 0039
Maxime: (+1) 809 999 7915
Charly: (+1) 809 962 0039